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Forging, decorative forging, forged products from Ukrainian trade mark DOM Trademark ДОМ

You can order of any complexoty foreged product

Material research centre professionally engaged by staircases , balusters , elements of the Entrance lobbies products and others with using decorative forging . Many years of expirience helps us to product order of forging any complexity with maximum quality guided by the wishes and individual customer requirements to the forging product . All forging works from desing to mounting are perform by our hight-quality specialists.

Balusters. Decorative forging Popularity artistic forging products exists due to they are limited at any style and any space Decorative metal unique due to their propertues to compares with other materials - stone, glass, wood, and even textiles, which provides master of forging, metal artist to unlimit possibilities for creativity.

Forging products always considered as a luxury. Ours products are complete with the wooden parts, decorative casting , stained glasses. It is possible options for different forged product coloring for gold, copper, silver.

All our forged products - a somple copy original works that are fabricated using hands decorative forging method. You can be sure that such a pattern as you do not meet anywhere else. Our artists will perform a sketch of the forged products in accordance with your wishes and tastes. We also can work with the forging of your thumbnail.

If you love luxury extraordinary things, meet with our works of art forged .

Forgin history review

     Forging is one of the oldest craft that people developed. Ironmongery were in favor, it was blacksmith forged armor and weapons, tools and other items. In ancient mythology, the gods even existed, that care and blacksmithing, as in Greece it was Hephaestus, who forged weapons for the Hercules. In the Kyiv Rus - Svarog. Saint Demian and Kuzma are caring of the forging from the Christianity time. At all times forging regarded as a brave and strong people. This view is right because not everyone can cope with a heavy hammer, while also deftly using hot and glowing metal. From far ago the process of forging hadn't many technological changes. People improved production technology and tools of forging . Equipment modern paints much better than in the past. But with all this high-quality tools for the production of decorative forging as in the past used manual work. Only a real talented artistic forging able to "infuse" life in forged product in such way that it rejoiced the eye and became works of art.

Production of the forged products

      Production of the forged products form metal irrespective of whether it will be forged baluster for stairs forged benches, forged gate, forged grids, for example, forged table begins with product sketch. Before forging mading it draws first sketches on which the process produced a sketch of the future product of decorative forging . A stencil maded using sketches that developed by artist. Using a stencil forged products fabrication begins with billets. The billet place in the blacksmith furnace where it statrs heating to red. However if the detail is small size or blade work it carried out by cold forging . After the billet sufficiently heated it is taken out and begin to forge .

Instruments for forging

The main instruments used by the blacksmith to create forged products are: chisel, pincers, various prod, a hammer. All operation Drawing of the forged balusters that are mading at decorative forging divided into bending, twisting, hoods, etc. Once the product is made, it is processed further. Made a most sharp edges, provide greater refinement, the holes cut. Then all the individual details of the forged products are fixed to each other so that they refined the finished product like forged balcone forged balusters for staircase or forged fence .

Painting of the forged products

The forged products paintings. There are many types of the enamels and paints for forged products : that is traditional black paint and gold paint, as well as bronze and silver. Such a variety of materials for painting allows vybrate exactly what you want for your forged balusters, forged railings, forged bars and other forged products . Particularly popular painting under antiquity. This effect for example achieved by the so-called dry painting when brush placed in the gold paint and then give it a little dry and only then painted surface of the forged product . Such we can obtained effect of antiquity, forged product looks old. 

Photogalery of the forged products

Forged baluster with oak railing in gold Staircase with forged baluster and aok railings in Supreme Court of Ukraine Forged baluster of the stair with oak railing in Supreme Court of Ukraine
Forged baluster with oak railing in gold Staircase with forged baluster and aok railings in Supreme Court of Ukraine Forged baluster of the stair with oak railing in Supreme Court of Ukraine
Section of the forged baluster with light ornament that що alternate with vertical rods, sealed between the clamps Inner staircase in the building of Supreme Court of Ukraine. Section of the forged baluster is made from strong rods and with decorative elements as "a spiral of Solomon" Inner staircase in the building of Supreme Court of Ukraine. Forged baluster woth oak railing Forged baluster with oak railing with decorative elements as "a spiral of Solomon" that masterfully  formed a thin round rods in combination with forged leaves scrolls and forged flowers
Inner staircase in the building of Supreme Court of Ukraine. Section of the forged baluster is made from strong rods and with decorative elements as "a spiral of Solomon" Forged baluster with oak railing with decorative elements as "a spiral of Solomon" that masterfully formed a thin round rods in combination with forged leaves scrolls and forged flowers Inner staircase in the building of Supreme Court of Ukraine. Forged baluster woth oak railing Forged baluster with oak railing with decorative elements as "a spiral of Solomon" that masterfully formed a thin round rods in combination with forged leaves scrolls and forged flowers
Main staircase in the Supreme Court of Ukraine. Forged baluster with oak railing Main staircase in the Supreme Court of Ukraine.   The main decorative accent of forged staircase balusters are distorted along its axis rods attached to them  stylized attributes Themis - scales with peak top, which alternate with reports from the  "spiral of Solomon", decorated with scrolls leaves Main staircase in the Supreme Court of Ukraine.   The main decorative accent of forged staircase balusters are distorted along its axis rods attached to them  stylized attributes Themis - scales with peak top, which alternate with reports from the  "spiral of Solomon", decorated with scrolls leaves Inner staircase on the next level. Forged quare baluster that decorated with forged rods with stylized leaves kidney on the end. Baluster has a round oak handrailing and stoppers from stainless steel
Main staircase in Supreme Court of Ukraine.

Forged baluster and oak railing

Main staircase in the Supreme Court of Ukraine. The main decorative accent of forged staircase balusters are distorted along its axis rods attached to them stylized attributes Themis - scales with peak top, which alternate with reports from the "spiral of Solomon", decorated with scrolls leaves Main staircase in the Supreme Court of Ukraine. The main decorative accent of forged staircase balusters are distorted along its axis rods attached to them stylized attributes Themis - scales with peak top, which alternate with reports from the "spiral of Solomon", decorated with scrolls leaves Inner staircase on the next level. Forged quare baluster that decorated with forged rods with stylized leaves kidney at the end. Baluster has a round oak handrailing and stoppers from stainless steel
Foreign forged buluster decorated with floral rosette leaves Inner stairs on the next level. Forged stair baluster that decorated by  forged rods with stylized leaves kidney at the ends. Baluster framed with round oak handrailing with stoppers from stainless steel Inner stairs on the next level. Forged stair baluster that decorated by  forged rods with stylized leaves kidney at the ends. Baluster framed with round oak handrailing with stoppers from stainless steel Entrance lobby, forged porte-cocheres with openwork frame


Foreign forged buluster decorated with floral rosette leaves
Inner stairs on the next level. Forged stair baluster that decorated by forged rods with stylized leaves kidney at the ends. Baluster framed with round oak handrailing with stoppers from stainless steel Inner stairs on the next level. Forged stair baluster that decorated by forged rods with stylized leaves kidney at the ends. Baluster framed with round oak handrailing with stoppers from stainless steel Entrance lobby, forged porte-cocheres with openwork frame
Forged baluster in Supreme Court of Ukraine Main stairs in Supreme Court of Ukraine. Vertical stand forged baluster decorated with stylized  "pine cone" Entrance lobby, porte-cocheres with openwork frame Inner stairs on the next level. Forged stair baluster that decorated by  forged rods with stylized leaves kidney at the ends. Baluster framed with round oak handrailing with stoppers from stainless steel Main stairs in Supreme Court of Ukraine. Forged baluster decorated by decorative elements  - ending of leaves
Main staircase in Supreme Court of Ukraine
Forged baluster and oak handrailing
Main stairs in Supreme Court of Ukraine. Vertical stand forged baluster decorated with stylized "pine cone" Entrance lobby, porte-cocheres with openwork frame Inner stairs on the next level. Forged stair baluster that decorated by forged rods with stylized leaves kidney at the ends. Baluster framed with round oak handrailing with stoppers from stainless steel Main stairs in Supreme Court of Ukraine. Forged baluster decorated by decorative elements - ending of leaves

   Art forging of the metals appeared in the 6 th century in Rus. Typically the art forging metals used to make tools for themselves, jewelry and, of course, weapons. Decorative forging metals necessarily included such work as the welding and soldering copper in that time. It is in 6 th century blacksmith must have qualities of experience and skills. These are the main quality helped select grade steel and a little more value in the art of forging metals.

        Also, just for color metal could determine how much it is heated. So keen eye smith always highly costs.

        Typically, in the forging work connected a few responsibilities such a worker that manufactures its own products and artists because without the artistic talent of the forged products was boring and monotonous. That artist talent was necessarily to raised from yongerst in blacksmith, as he must do something new, beautiful, interesting.

        The decorative forging became so popular in the 13 th centery that appears nessesery to devided art forging on the few speciality (due-to large variety of products). It was appear 16 new speciality as a result. Work of the different specialist depended on what subject they are made. That was only in cities. In the village, on the contrary, working blacksmiths, who made all things, they can be called "masters of all trades".

        This division of the art of forging metal into 16 specializations led by the fact that some new tools appear for each specialty and began simplify manufacturing technology.

        Masters of art metal forging to those far familiarized with operation principles used in its old methods, such as stretching, twisting, draft and others that allow coating artistic forging any surface, even cast iron bath. Also, even today, drawing is done manually.

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 Contact information
MRC Ltd. Materials research centre
Kiev, Krzhizhanovskogo, 3
Tel.: +38 (044) 233-24-43
Tel.: +38 (044) 237-71-87
Fax: +38 (044) 502-41-49
We work: Mon - Sat с 10:00 до 18:00
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