Some samples of the staircases and their elements with different constructive decitions are shown on the photograph.
You can do clicking for increase one.
Spiral staircase with glass stair and baluster
Glass stiars and baluster of the spiral staircase
Glass baluster of the spiral staircase
Spiral staircase with glass stairs and baluster
Spiral staircase with glass baluster
Spiral staircase with glass stairs
Spiral staircase with glass stairs and forged baluster
Forged baluster of spiral staircase
Forged and glass baluster of the spiral staircase
Spiral staircase with glass staurs
Spiral staircase with forged baluster
Forged and glass baluster of spiral staircase
Staircase with glass stair
Glass stairs of staircase
Glass stairs and baluster of staircase
Glass baluster
Glass stairs and glass baluster of staircase
Metalic construction of staircase
Glass baluster of staircase
Glass stairs
Two stepped string staircase with glass stairs and baluster from polished stainless steel
Two stepped string staircase with glass stair
Glass stairs of stepped string staircase
Baluster from polished stainless steel of two stepped string staircase with glass stair
Baluster from polished stainless steel
Baluster from polished stainless steel and glass stairs
Glass stairs on metal construction
Baluster from polished stainless steel
Glass stairs of staircase
Closed staircase with glass stairs and handrailing from polished stainless steel
Glass stairs
Glass stairs (top view)
Glass stairs and handrailing from polished stainless steel
Photos of the projects implemented by MRC TM "ДОМ", as well as articles and videos are published under the Creative Commons Attribution — with preservation of terms (Attribution-ShareAlike) 3.0 Unported. You can freely copy, distribute, modify the materials with link to the author.