Prof. Yury Gogotsi, Drexel University
Congratulations to Prof. Yury Gogotsi for being elected to the MRS Board of Directors!
This position will allow him to help establish the direction of the societyas it strives to build “a dynamic, interactive, global community of materials researchers to advance technical excellence by providing a framework in which the materials disciplines can convene, collaborate, integrate and advocate.”
Yury Gogotsi is currently Distinguished University professor and Trustee Chair in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University and Director of A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute.
Prof. Yury Gogotsi has been active in MRS for more than 20 years. He has been the organizer for various MRS symposia (2014 De Novo Carbon Nanomaterials II Symposium, 2009 Symposium on Materials Challenges Facing Electrical Energy Storage, and others), delivered numerous invited talks and was selected for the prestigious Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Nanotechnology in 2014. Much of his involvement was focused on students. He was the founding advisor of the MRS Student Chapter at Drexel. Moreover, he has advised some of the top students who have been awarded MRS Gold and Silver Graduate Student Awards, as well as two of three Arthur Nowick award winners. He served as chair of the MRS Student Chapters subcommittee in 2011-2015, increasing the total number of student chapters from about 60 to over 90, and introducing international chapters (16 total).
Read more about results of Elections to MRS Board of Directors