Professor Yury Gogotsi was speaking about nanotechnology in energy storage at the World Science Fest
Join world-class nanoscientists and environmental leaders to explore how the capacity to harness molecules and atoms is accelerating spectacular inventions — including light-weight “wonder materials,” vital energy-storage technologies, and new sources of renewable energy — which promise to redefine the very future of energy...
MUCH ADO ABOUT NEARLY NOTHING: Nanotech and the future of energy
The biggest challenge of our time, meeting the energy demands of an exploding population on a warming planet, may well be met by manipulating matter on the tiniest of scales — revolutionizing how we power the planet.
Join world-class nanoscientists and environmental leaders to explore how the capacity to harness molecules and atoms is accelerating spectacular inventions — including light-weight “wonder materials,” vital energy-storage technologies, and new sources of renewable energy — which promise to redefine the very future of energy.
The Kavli Prize recognizes scientists for their seminal advances in astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience. The series, “The Big, the Small, and the Complex,” is sponsored by The Kavli Foundation and The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
MODERATOR: Walter Isaacson PARTICIPANTS: Sanjoy Banerjee, Yury Gogotsi, Patricia Holden, Paul Weiss
Researchers described a process by which nanodiamonds — tiny diamond particles 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a hair — curtail the electrochemical deposition, called plating, that can lead to hazardous short-circuiting of lithium ion batteries...
Join world-class nanoscientists and environmental leaders to explore how the capacity to harness molecules and atoms is accelerating spectacular inventions — including light-weight “wonder materials,” vital energy-storage technologies, and new sources of renewable energy — which promise to redefine the very future of energy...
It’s been just over five years since researchers in Drexel’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering reported on a new, two-dimensional material composed of titanium and carbon atoms, called MXene...
It’s been just over five years since researchers in Drexel’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering reported on a new, two-dimensional material composed of titanium and carbon atoms, called MXene...
Ученый расскажет, как сочетаются инновации и фундаментальные исследования, сколько будут работать традиционные батарейки и аккумуляторы в будущем и какими будут источники света.
Группа исследователей из Университета Дрекселя и Корейского института науки и технологий работает над очисткой от таких электромагнитных помех с помощью нанесения на компоненты тонкой защитной пленки наноматериала под названием Максин.
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